At the award ceremony Mrs. Petra Hetzel, from the Federal Association of SMEs, presented the certificate for reaching the Jury stage to Xenia and…
The candidates of the Top 100 competition had the unique opportunity to meet Reinhold Messner at an exclusive expedition. Xenia and Ingmar Troniarsky…
The nomination to this competition, to which one cannot apply or nominate himself, can be considered as an entrance ticket to the"network of the…
The successful and popular meeting on 20th January 2017 took place for the 10th time already. Alongside the Itgroup60 other companies from Marbach and…
In cooperation with Jörg Lippold Gastroservice we donated a total of 150€ to the Müller-Fond of Erdmannhausen. The majority of the sum came together…
The 15th meeting of the "work group of female Entrepreneurs" took place in our house in October 2016.
The central topic was health in the workplace…
To make the work of our employees varied and healthier, we have recently founded a company sports group. On a voluntary basis employees can take part…
On 12.04.2016 the CDU-Economic council visited us for a tour through our company.
The event was opened by the honorary chairman of the young Economic…
Under this title an article about our Roboinspektor was published in April 2016 in the industry magazine "Scope" of the Weka Business Media GmbH…
The "free voters" of Erdmannhausen visited us on 19.11.2015 in our company premesis and congratulated on the Top 100 Award.